Exhibition at the Industrial Heritage Information Centre (IHIC)

  • Implement interpretation based on objective facts, by properly exhibiting primary sources of clear provenance and testimonies verified to have a degree of credibility, in line with the decisions of the World Heritage Committee and the statement made by the Government of Japan at the time of inscription of the site on the World Heritage List.
  • Collects a wide variety of materials, regardless of whether they are consistent with the views of the Government of Japan, and utilises the knowledge of experts in their analysis.
  • Continues to improve its exhibition and interpretation with comprehensive advice from internationally renowned experts in World Heritage.

State of Conservation Report


Industrial Heritage Information Centre Floor Plan

The Centre is zoned from 1 to 3. Zone 1 plays an introductory role as "Invitation to 'Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution'"; Zone 2 details Japan's rapid industrialization as "Path toward an Industrial State"; and, Zone 3 is Reference Room.

Industrial Heritage Information Centre Floor Plan

ZONE 1Introductory Exhibition
Invitation to "Sites of Japan's Meiji Industrial Revolution"

It presents an overview of the "Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution" and the process leading to the inscription of the sites as a World Heritage site by panels. In addition, a panoramic multi-display platform introduces the full history of each of the 23 component parts located across 11 cities in 8 prefectures. At the Theater, it offers a video showing the long and challenging nomination process of becoming a World Heritage site.

Liquid Galaxy™

A panoramic multi-display platform depicts the history of the 23 component parts as a whole, utilizing photos, maps, and videos.

ZONE 2Main Exhibition
Path toward an Industrial State

This zone consists of five sections: (1) Early attempts under the Isolation Strategy, (2) Shipbuilding, (3) Iron and Steel, (4) Coal Mining, and (5) Industrialization.
It provides a detailed description of each of the 23 component parts by panels and, with comments from foreign experts, illustrates its historical value by tracing the course of Japan’s rapid industrial development from the mid-19th century to the beginning of the 20th century.
At the information search table centrally located in the zone, visual images of the component parts are projected on a screen and you can look up more detailed information regarding the “Sites of Japan’s Meiji Industrial Revolution” on tablets.

Panel Exhibition

The Centre exhibits more than 60 panels depicting the time from the 1850s to 1910 in which the people during this time passionately achieved Japan's modernization.

Tablet Study Contents

Foreign Experts explain what makes the industrial heritage unique in the three industrial sectors.

Zone 3Reference Room

Reference Room has reading corner and a reference counter as well as bookshelves and various digital equipment (display monitors, searching device, panoramic multi-display platform, etc.). It offers various information on industrial labor at work sites during World War II, and a wide variety of primary source materials (including that from outside the time period designated for World Heritage).

  1. Laws and Administrative Documents
  2. Papers and Documents of the Government and Related Organisations
  3. Individual Publications related to Government Officials and Company Parties Concerned
  1. Testimonies
  2. Newspapers and Magazines
  3. Theses, Books, and others


Experienced guides as well as guides who used to spend their early days on Hashima Island lead a tour in the Japanese language. If you want a guide in other languages, please email to [email protected] in advance.
The Centre offers audio guidance (a set of tablet and headset) for those who are speakers of the English and Korean languages at the Reception.